Banner Interface Wien

Supporting arrival -

Shaping the future!

We support newly arrived people in settling in Vienna.

With needs- and impact-oriented educational and advisory services,
we contribute to a good coexistence and a successful future for everyone in Vienna.

What's new at Interface Wien?

Teilnehmerinnen Mama lernt Deutsch in neu gestaltetem Kursraum

Redesign of course and childcare rooms

Everything is new! Our basic education program Mama lernt Deutsch is starting the new semester with renewed freshness. And it's not just the courses that are new - the course and childcare rooms have also been newly equipped and designed!

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Our newest pilot project: The StartWien Hub is coming!

"The StartWien Hub is the new education and advice hub of the city of Vienna in the 20th district. What is special about it is the holistic support it provides to newly immigrated families. They receive comprehensive education, advice and information services in one place that will help them to successfully gain a foothold in Vienna in the first few months after their arrival."

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Interface Wien is a certified adult education provider (wiencert, Ö-Cert) and a licensed examination center for Österreichische Integrationsprüfung and Österreichisches Sprachdiplom Deutsch. The basic education offerings are accredited by Initiative Erwachsenenbildung.

Impact figures at a glance


Viennese reached


Course places


Consulting services

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