Cheers to our Jugendcollege placement team – and our graduates!

A triple “Hip Hip Hooray!” to the participants and employees in our project Jugendcollege StartWien, who have once again done a great job!

Our career and education advisors and company contacters have supported the search for the right training, with internships and in the application process. They have supported, encouraged and fought for the participants - and achieved great success with our participants: Almost all participants have already been placed! Only 3 people from 3 placement module groups still need to be placed - and the year is not over yet!

They are all gathered at the Jugendcollege summer party (see picture): our placement dream team Anita and Peter (career and education advice) and Ines and Inge (company contact) together with the graduates: prospective apprentices for mechatronics, electrical engineering, information technology, dental assistants, a dental technician and a hotel and hospitality assistant, as well as prospective students from the HTL Mödling (mechanical engineering and automotive engineering), the HTL Spengergasse (game design), the Hetzendorf fashion school, the graphic arts school (photography) and the BFI business school. Some prospective evening students go to the HTL Wien West (computer science, mechanical engineering, mechatronics and electrical engineering).

We are very proud of our graduates and our placement team!

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