Jugendcollege StartWien

The youth college offers newly immigrated teenagers and young adults a tailor-made program that enables them to get an optimal start and sustainable success in the Vienna (training and) education system as quickly as possible.

Through intensive German lessons with a particular focus on educational and technical language, the expansion of English language skills and the deepening of digital and mathematical skills, the youth college prepares its participants individually and specifically for secondary school or a training position (apprenticeship). In addition, course participants have the opportunity to take a state-recognized German exam (ÖIF or ÖSD).

A dedicated team of advisors as well as school and company contacts support and support the young people holistically, individually and professionally. It helps transform the participants' professional dreams into concrete plans and implement them - from career orientation to the application process to follow-up support.    

Depending on individual needs and previous knowledge, young people can flexibly start in one of the six course modules (A1 to B1).

For young people who are already attending secondary school, the offer includes Learning support & summer college Tutoring courses and intensive courses are offered during the summer holidays to support German as a second language.

The 2023 project in numbers

272 participants

strengthened their skills

40 successful placements

in secondary school or workplace

113 language exams passed

34 different first languages of the participants

stand for diversity in the classroom


Funding data

Project duration

Funded by

en_GBEnglish (UK)